Thursday, October 29, 2009

Environmental Cab found in Parramatta, this is an revamped version of the classic man-drawn carriages back in the 1800s to early 1900s. Basically a more comfortable bike, you just sit inside while you watch the person in front of you struggling to get you to your destination. What a wonderful trip.

And yeah, the driver never got to do his pose fully before i took the picture.


  1. nice comparison of design from the past to now.

  2. I agree with your view of comfortability, its simple and sleek design is one facet of this concept that i enjoy most, which gives me the idea that a journey in this cab would be calmning. in conjuction with the lime green paint, further adds to this belief

  3. I like this design, I have never seen such a modern version only old styles. very clever, good job finding it

  4. I like the green on the cab as it gives the feeling of freshness (as it should being an Environmental Cab) and that the design on the cab extends to the wheels as well.
